Interactive Stuff: Free Educational Games

Teachers and stdents, creating multimedia in class

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Personal data may be collected while you use this site. In some cases, it's of the form which cannot be used to identify a specific individual. On no occasion should a child of age 13 or younger be asked to provide personal information.

Teachers, on the other hand, may need to provide more detailled information in order to participate in certain projects.

Participating in the forum involves having your email address added to a list. However, adding your personal details to the profiles area is purely voluntary at this stage. The forum does not sell mailing lists and action is taken to safeguard members from the excesses of unsolicited commercial email. If you have reason to believe that someone is abusing the forum, please contact to share your concerns.

Unfortunately, no guarantees can be given that unscrupulous people won't try to harvest email addresses from the lists or the profiles area. However, we will do our best to minimise the risk wherever possible.

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